Hosted and created by comedians Tyler Jackson & Danny Maupin and produced by Liz Maupin, Late Late Breakfast is a fast-paced, mixed-format standup show where anything can happen. Each show offers a wildly different experience and features a diverse lineup of top comedians telling their jokes while facing randomized challenges that could be anything from pitching in a baseball game involving the entire audience or flying a kite, to hooking the comedian up to a polygraph machine or smashing fruit like Gallagher. Our show has been featured on NYCF, Bridgetown Comedy Festival, The Comedy Exposition, Orlando Indie Comedy Fest, Green Gravel Comedy Fest, Crom Comedy Fest, Hell Yes Fest and more.
- Featured as one of the best comedy shows in America
–The Interrobang 6.01.16 - "There's something very special going down in Chicago. Every month for the past three years, Tyler Jackson and Danny Maupin have been putting on Late Late Breakfast, a standup comedy show like no other." –The Daily Dot 3.31.16
- Featured as a top concept comedy show in New York City
–The Interrobang 2.18.16 - "[Late Late Breakfast has] gathered so much momentum in the last few months that I'd guess 2016 is going to be the year of breakfast comedy." –Chicago Reader 12.23.15
- "Late Late Breakfast [is] just such an incredible concept for a show, and the masterminds behind it are...brilliant. Just brilliant. It's weird and chaotic and fun and silly and smart and everything standup comedy lacks." –Brightest Young Things: 2015 Comedy Favorites 12.9.15
- Featured as one of the best experimental comedy shows in Chicago –Time Out 3.25.15
- "Late Late Breakfast is one hell of a ride and a great insane show."
–Eddie Pepitone 2015 - "The chaos can't help but be entertaining" –Chicago Reader 4.8.14
- "The Late Late Breakfast is a find. It's the rare open mic that general audiences and comedians alike can all rally around. It's a raucous afternoon of high-energy mischief presented with an insiders wink by creators Danny Maupin and Tyler Jackson." –Chicago Tribune 11.17.14
- "Every time I've gone, it's been the best afternoon of my month."
–Brightest Young Things 9.24.14